

Like many women, I spent much of my earlier life struggling with healthy relationships with other women.

I didn't trust women. I competed with women. I was hurt by other women. I hurt other women. I held myself and other women to different standards than others. I objectified women and myself. I slept with women as 'fun' but not serious love interests. I felt like I never fitted in with women and found my friendships with men easier. I felt lonely, unattractive and fat and subconsciously that being liked, 'hot' and thin were key goals for women.

I was unaware of any of this and outwardly would challenge such notions vigorously.

Later, my identity as someone engaged in 'spiritual' practices actually fed into this in some ways. I denied to myself that any of those experiences listed above were happening. I saw myself as someone (who should be!) at peace with themselves and celebratory of other women. I bypassed feelings of jealousy or betrayal to pretend I was always 'totally fine' with myself and other women.

Last week I received the cake and card shown in the pictures completely out of the blue. It opened up reflections on how far I have come in my journey with women, as a woman. How grateful I am for the friends, teachers, practices and desire in myself that have got me to a place where I am surrounded by beautiful relationships with women. Women who can hold my needy, greedy, mean, jealous, competitive, judgmental and controlling parts with a knowing smile and a warm embrace. Women who reflect back to me my loving, generous, wise, grounded, wild, hilarious and inspiring parts with encouragement and celebration. Women for whom I do my best to offer the same.

I have distilled the practices that have supported me to be able to relate this way into the schedule for Elemental Woman - an 8-day, 7-night dive into our wild and wise womanhood, into what sisterhood might mean. Sisterhood not as a cheesy marketing ploy, but as a felt sense of holding, connection and recognition. The key practice? Being with other women and really listening, really opening. Risking genuine intimacy with women and seeing what happens. Not trying to 'work it out' or do it all alone. Being held in circle, knowing we are each a crucial part of that circle.

Deep bow all the women in my life. To Alex, Betty and Deya for this gorgeous and unexpected gift that activated these reflections. To the women who are now woven into the fabric of Elemental Woman. To my body that reminds me of my wild nature frequently. To all women, past, present and future for your ripple in this web of womanhood.

Less than 50% of spaces left for this late-July offering.

The circle is waiting for. You can come as you are you xx

Zak Avery