Elemental Woman Retreat

Sat 26th July - Sat 2nd Aug, 2025 in Totnes, Devon

A juicy week in community to liberate your elemental woman!

Leaning into our wild and wise womanhood to connect more joyously to ourselves, each other, nature and spirit.

Through the week we will be exploring our 'yes', our 'no', our shadows, our light, our struggles, our gifts, our capacity to experience pleasure, our edges and our comfort zone. We will dance with our wild woman. This can be challenging work, but that's where the growth happens!

Contact us for more details (slow payment plans available).

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“This retreat was life changing and life affirming. My confidence and self-love has grown tremendously - as a result I feel more able to deal with the ups and downs that life will throw at me. I am truly grateful for this experience and new found friends. I felt incredibly held and supported by the facilitators and the rest of the group. There were tears, laughter, deep and meaningful chats, dancing, ceremonies and so many life reflections. I cannot recommend it more highly.” — SARAH, BRISTOL


Each day will follow a similar rhythm, which every session being optional, although full participation is encouraged to experience the fullness of this carefully curated experience.

Example Timetable
07.30 - Meditation, breath & dance - meeting the Great Wisdom Goddess, archetype and element for this day
08.30 - Breakfast
10.00 - Yoga session & group process
13.00 - Lunch & free time
16.00 - Afternoon workshop & land connection ceremony
19.00 - Dinner
20.00 - Evening workshop

EARTH - loving & abundant mother
-Non-dualism and honouring the homes of body + Earth
- Earth ceremony + meeting the land
- Bedtime story

BLOOD - wild & embodied creatrix
- The wisdom of cycles & spirals
- Exploring jealousy + playful competition!
- Menarche ceremony

WATER - sensual & curious adventuress
- Water ceremony & wild swim
- Shame tending
- Reclaiming our pleasure ceremony (with self-massage & optional yoni connection)

FIRE - humble, clear & courageous warrior
- Fire ceremony
- Anger tending
- Awakening your power, asking for what you want, learning how to give and receive ‘no’, finding your ‘yes’

AIR - playful, wise & compassionate healer
- Grief tending
- Voice work for healing with the phenomenal Briony Greenhill (we are very lucky to have her!)
- Mantra japa

SPACE - liberated & joyful queen
- Cacao & dancing the elements ceremony - embodying the prayer
- Sound healing & parts integration meditation

“A retreat of amazing self-care, love, feminine power, beauty, vulnerability, laughter, medicine and fun! I highly recommend this retreat! It was full power, held with such gentleness, care and love. You will meet beautiful people, build a community, be held by epic space holders and come away having learnt so much and in a bubble of love! I can say whole heartedly that I have come away a better person and it has catapulted me into improving and changing my life even more than before. Becoming better for myself and those that I love. Going on this retreat is one of the best decisions I have ever made.”


​To meet our different parts with curiosity, to connect to the richness of our bodies and the deep wisdom that can be found there, to unlearn the bullshit and remember our truths, to question single-stories of ‘woman’ and step into the full-fat version of ourselves, to touch into our unique gifts and the profound power of community.

This will be a loving yet courageous space for you to be held and explore your edges.

“It was like we were learning all the things we should have been taught in school! Also, the space I had to release, process, heal, cry, speak, feel - I wasn’t expecting this. I honestly healed parts of me I didn’t know needed healing and released emotions/traumas I didn’t know were there or needed releasing - a huge thank you for that and the safe, beautiful space provided. The confirmation I got from what I learnt and was taught. Also, the yoga - blumin’ loved it and can now say I am a yogi :)” - JESS


The group is open to all those who identify as a woman. Unfortunately the site is not accessible for those with certain physical disabilities - please contact Megan to discuss further. 

Taking part in this retreat requires adequate mental and physical health to be self-responsible within group processes; we are all facing the horrors and joys of life and your whole self is fully welcome, but do get in touch if you have any concerns or questions.

“There are so many things to say about this retreat, it operates on so many levels – but it's one word, transformative, that runs through my thoughts. If you can go, you should grab it with both hands. I wish I'd experienced this retreat as a young woman too, it would have transformed my life sooner. None of it is easy; but just to be, to feel at home in a safe group of women, who will listen to you and tell you of their own experiences, opens up your mind like a flower. It makes you feel less alone, less small, more powerful as a woman; and who doesn't need that in this world?” - GILLIAN, CHESTER

A little about the experience I will be leaning into to hold you in this space alongside the rest of the team: I am a clinical psychologist working with adults with complex trauma in the NHS and privately, an experienced yoga teacher & teacher trainer, and a nature-based facilitator with over 14 years of experience holding space for others and more than 20 years of practicing yoga. I also founded and direct the Bristol Yoga Roots Project. The space I hold is strong yet playful with a healthy dose of mystery and mischief thrown in.

eden rise view

When not in the shala, you can enjoy the chill out areas with sofas and bean bags, peaceful gardens or the sauna. Only a short trip away is the colourful town of Totnes and the River Dart, ideal for wild swimming. The retreat space is surrounded by the glorious Yeoland, with altars to the different elements across the landscape.

In the free time in the afternoon there will be craft activities and trips to the river that are optional. Anz will be offering her gorgeous massages at an extra cost, and Shell will be serving up three delicious meals a day, plus snacks and hot drinks. If you haven’t eaten Shell’s food before, prepare to have your experience of ‘retreat food’ completely redefined!

“This was my first ever retreat and I really got so much more from it then I ever imagined. Megan and Hannah are so lovely and caring and hold space so beautifully together, as well as being hilarious! They really opened my eyes to spirituality and ceremony and allowed me to go deep within myself with the help of their vast amount of knowledge. This retreat has given me so much to take away and work on. I would recommend this retreat so much and am already thinking about booking next year. Thank you so much again!“

An eight day adventure with four sessions and three meals a day from £600 (scroll to bottom of booking form for more details on accommodation options/prices).

Flexible payment plans are available to suit your needs.

See videos of previous retreats here.

Are you feeling the call? We would LOVE to welcome you in to this circle of love, empowerment, vulnerability, strength, mystery and playfulness. You are so welcome, as you are. Contact us with any questions, or see you there!

With love and power!

Megan & Team
