Strength in softness, freedom through devotion, divinity in the every day

Yoga illuminates the simple, playful truth hiding in even the darkest, most complicated parts of our human experience


I discovered yoga at age 15 at a very dark time in my life. It quite literally transformed me, little-by-little, taking me on a life-long journey of healing, awakening and self-discovery. It is a deep honour to be able to share some of the practices that have helped me so much (with gratitude to my teachers and training).

Yoga is the container that holds me, sometimes gently and sometimes fiercely. Yoga has given me the tools to do the work that so needs doing. It is a never-ending gift with so many layers to unfold and explore.

Through becoming more embodied and present, I have a deeper understanding and relationship with curiosity, creativity, compassion, courage and community.

I have experienced that once you recognise the intrinsic interconnectedness of all beings on a visceral as well as cognitive level, you find a burning inside that sparks a revolution from the heart. Yoga urges us towards justice and unity, inviting us into an infinite dance of acceptance and change.

लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु


In my teaching I seek to offer a practice to awaken our body-minds to presence and facilitate compassionate connection to self, others, nature and spirit. It is my intention to create a welcoming space for everybody, although I appreciate intention does not always translate into impact and welcome feedback on this.

Yoga is a creative practice of curiously & courageously opening to what is. Through this ancient and ever-evolving wisdom we find courageous ways to connect to, nourish and empower ourselves and others.

The galvanising potential of yoga to ignite change in big and small ways off of the mat is of key importance. By revealing our interconnection with nature and the communities around us, yoga can guide us to value justice, compassion and skillful action. We start to see more clearly the systems - such as racism, consumer capitalism and patriarchy - that cause suffering for so many, including our beautiful planet, by creating illusions of separation which then manifest in very real inequalities. Our yoga practice helps us to develop the tools to face the shadows within and without.