Proud moment!

In the movement and challenges of life I often forget to take time to savour the sweetness and joy that is present. Reading the feedback from the 2-day training YogaLoni and I just ran (see below) really touched me deeply and reminded me of the power, beauty and possibility that is available when we come together and share our fears and our wisdom. To be the 'space holder' and yet be so held by the group is humbling and heartwarming, a reminder that power with, rather than power over, is where the magic happens. With gratitude and a big smile

"It was superbly facilitated, it felt safe to be vulnerable, it gave people space and permission to share and not be afraid to make mistakes."

"The course wasn’t what I expected but I really loved it. I hadn’t imagined that I would be sat analysing my social location, but I realise how important that is and for understanding participants’ perspectives, power dynamics, structural causes of trauma etc. I also liked the ways in which the topics were built upon and how we mixed practice with theory."

"Leonie and Megan are excellent communicators and facilitators who have obviously worked together for along time. The warmth, respect and support they showed each other set the tone for whole group dynamics."

"I now have awareness of my social location and how I might be perceived teaching yoga, structural effects on trauma, insight to the ways to adapt a yoga class to make it trauma informed & suitable for a community class"

"I learned that being trauma informed does not mean you can ever assume you won’t trigger someone - the best thing to do is minimise the likelihood of this. Definitely a key reminder to not beat myself up for not being perfect!"

"I really appreciated the warm, inclusive and safe environment that was cultivated and I would definitely do more training with you guys if more was offered."

"I really enjoyed the discussion on power dynamics/ ethics / anti racism"

"There was real skill in the space holding, pacing of lessons and spacing out with comfort breaks, balance between edgy topics and moments to integrate"

"The excellent setting up of group dynamics gave people permission to share and be brave"

"I feel more in touch with a Bristol based yoga community. I feel inspired to contact charities/communities to set up my own classes. And I am going to review one of my existing community classes to make it more inclusive."

Zak Avery