Spring Equinox // Ostara


This time of equal day and night, of the sun crossing the celestial equator to create dancing aurora, feels like magic!

The balance between Winter and Summer, night and day, darkness and light, death and life, teasing us with the blossoming that awaits

It’s a time of growth, as we sprout from the seeds we’ve been tending, maybe planting new seeds into the fertility of our emerging energy, trusting in the promise of Summer

Perhaps also still shedding the skins of Winter, finding this beating drum of life’s rhythm potentially both enlivening + exhausting (especially if we didn’t get enough rest in the darker months!)

For me, Spring brings with it the wisdom and power of water (I am aware that in Druidic maps it is Air - for me that is Autumn!). The earth of Winter creating the holding river banks that allow us to explore, play, get curious about what is alive and stirring within us through Spring

Witnessing all that is present with curiosity and reverence

The sensuality of opening ourselves up to the contractions and the expansions, the spanda, that is life. To the wonder, the awe of being alive

So I lay my self at the feet of life with a big fat YES on Spring Equinox. With deep respect to Nature, Source, Universal Flow, Consciousness, Great Mystery, Goddess, Grace, whatever word resonates for you with the profound power of opening to the realities of our own unique existence and how our thread weaves into this great web of life

May the renewing energies of Spring tend to what is waiting to blossom, revealing the new that is emerging with love and patience

May the cycles of the seasons remind you that you are allowed to begin again.

And again

With love and power


Zak Avery